Our prayer ministry is the engine room of Harvest Church. We have three regular meetings that fuel the church and recharge our lives.
Prayer Changes Everything
Half Night
On the second Friday of every month, we meet from 8pm to midnight to encounter God and storm the heavens! It’s a mighty mix of prayer, praise, prophecy and preaching.
All Night
On the last Friday of every month we pray through the night. Starting at 11pm and finishing around 5am, we push through in powerful praise and strong prayer until strongholds are broken and lives are transformed. Time after time, God comes in His glory and changes us forever.
Sunday Mornings
Every Sunday, we pray from 8.00am to 9.00am to call upon The Lord to move in our midst. As we draw near to Him, He draws near to us and the atmosphere is set for an awesome Sunday service.
Prayer Requests
God Cares

Feeling anxious, worried, down in the dumps? Want to give up because you feel like you can’t cope?
Every one of us will experience unpleasant and sometimes traumatic experiences at some point in life. In those difficult times, it can seem as if you are alone. But this is not true. The Bible tells us that God cares about us, our situations, challenges, struggles and needs; and we care too at Harvest. He provides a way out for us in Jesus.
God cares so much for each of us that He sent Jesus to die for us.
If you were the only one left on earth, Jesus would still have been willing to die for you to ensure your salvation! Such is His love and devotion to you!

Not only can you find salvation for your soul in Jesus, God promises to provide solutions to the many problems you may face in life – health, finances, relationships, etc.
You do not need to suffer hopelessly. There is help in Christ. His arms of love and compassion are open wide to you at Harvest and we would love to help.
So if you would like someone to pray with you, or help in some other way or even just to listen, please take a few moments to complete the form below and we’ll be in touch.